Why coaching?

May 28, 2014 Uncategorised 0 Comments

8415727Where is coaching being successfully used?

Where are the proven results?

A top sportsman or woman will have a coach for the physical and tactical side of their game and they will also have a performance coach whose job is to concentrate on the psychological and emotional part of their game. This is to ensure that the athlete is able to function at their best and that they reach and maintain peak performance.

Coaching is also extensively used in business. It is recognised that coaching has a positive effect on employees and CEOs alike and successfully results in a more satisfied workforce with increased productivity.

Both sport and business performance coaching is extensively utilised due a proven success rate in maximising human potential. Coaching is recognised as a very powerful tool.

As a coach I understand a person to be the same in or out of the work place. Problems that surface at work will be the same issues that surface in a person’s personal life. For example an issue with low self esteem will have as much of a negative effect on a person’s personal life as it will in their career.

So baring in mind that both athletes and businesses successfully invest in coaching to maximise their potential, it’s not such a big step to understand how it can be very useful in our lives too.

Don’t we deserve to invest in ourselves?

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