Need for Speed.

March 6, 2014 Uncategorised 0 Comments

I find myself at a challenging but interesting time. As a life coach I tend to want to explore in depth the different issues that pop  up in our lives, so here are my thoughts…

I have just sprained my ankle and I have been struggling with the new limitations caused by my injury.  I’m finding I have no choice but to slow down, every step is considered and, to be honest, adapting to crutches is a life skill in itself!

After the initial shock of hurting oneself, there comes the realisation that your life needs to be re thought. Shopping, how to get there and if you do get there how do you manoeuvre a trolley with crutches? An impossibility I’ve tried! Taking the dog for a walk, how do you hold the lead and not get pulled over? Considered it but decided against it! Simply making a cup of tea, great you can prepare it, but you’ll need to drink it at the kettle because you can’t carry it anywhere…. Same goes for meals, my dog is loving all the food that is unintentionally coming her way!

Practicalities aside, my immobility has created more thinking time. I am aware of how much I have had to slow down and consider every step. The act of slowing down for someone that loves to move quickly is a real challenge, I felt rebellious to my very core.

The fact is that now I have no choice, I have to move slowly and after fighting the situation for a couple of days I have come to a calm acceptance, a giving into appreciating things at a slower pace. This has me reflecting about life in London and the fast pace we all live our lives, there is such a strong sense of do do do, so much so that life is lived in a whirl of constant activity, feeling we must not waste a single moment. What is wasting a moment? Is stopping to take the time to appreciate our lives a waste? Is pausing to enjoy the moment wasteful?

I want to take to heart the lesson I’m learning by having to slow down. So I’m making a pledge that from now on I am going to take the time to enjoy the little moments life has to offer and not rush through everything.

Lose the need for speed…

Am I a changed woman? Let’s see once I get my feet flying again…. You can remind me then!


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