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May 3, 2014 Uncategorised 0 Comments

2428411A friend of mine died last night. I saw her last in the beginning of March, she was happy and excited about her new life…

She had been in my thoughts since our meeting and as I hadn’t heard from her for a while I had that niggling thought of wanting to get in touch… Life raced along with it’s usual preoccupations so I kept postponing… I will call, text, email but I can’t right now…

Yesterday I found out she was seriously ill and last night she died.

Should I be rebuking myself for not having got in touch and spoken? Wallowing in a mountain of guilt? The way I look at life and my belief is that to get caught up in blaming myself and indulging in shoulda woulda coulda thoughts serve no purpose… of no benefit to anyone…

What can I learn from this? What possible positive can be taken from this so sad event? This is what I have been asking myself all morning.

The love we share with our friends and family is so precious and letting people know we are thinking about them and making contact however small is so important. The most beautiful thing about being human is our connection with each other and this can get pushed aside and forgotten under a mountain of everyday to do’s. Postponing the one thing that brings joy and happiness into our lives.

From now on I will be vigilant and prioritise love in my life. My memory of my friend is  beautiful and inspirational and that is what I will carry with me.

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